Benefits of Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banking.Care For All..

Friends here I am writing here the Benefits of Stem Cell Banking and Family cord blood Banking, and I think it will be beneficial for every human beings.

What is cord blood ? After the birth of a baby, the umbilical cord and placenta are usually discarded. However, even after the cord has been cut, the placenta and umbilical cord retain what is known as placental blood or cord blood.

A cord blood bank is a facility which stores umbilical cord blood for future use. However, cord blood is not recommended to be stored in a private bank for the vast majority of cases. Public banks accept donations to be used for anyone in need. Unlike private cord blood banking, public cord blood banking is supported by the medical community.There are very strict regulations which public banks need to follow in order to enable the donated units to be added to a registry. Generally an expectant mother interested in donation should contact the bank before the 34th week of pregnancy. Once the blood is donated, it loses all identifying information after a short period of initial testing. For more cord blood banking news and information go to this url

For about current issues in cord blood research visit the site at

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The Gift of life for your child and you.Give life to your child by Stem Cell Banking

Addresses Of Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banks In India

The Benefits of Family Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood stem cells are not just for your baby. It's really an investment for the whole family. Virtually all mothers and about half of siblings will be a suitable match for baby's stem cells. And while the chance that any family member will use the cord blood for cancer treatment is very low, the likelihood that it could be used to treat a variety of other diseases is considerable. The list of such diseases is growing every year as researchers study this fascinating field.

Heart Attacks. Doctors have infused stem cells into the damaged heart muscle of numerous heart attack patients to see if the cells would generate new heart tissue and repair the damage. Results so far look promising.

Coronary Artery Disease. Doctors have infused stem cells in the hearts of patients with clogged arteries. The stem cells helped new blood vessels grow around the blocked arteries, thus improving blood flow to the areas in the heart at risk of damage.

Vascular Disease. Stem cells have been shown to grow new blood vessels around narrowed or damaged arteries in the limbs and restore impaired blood flow.

Nerve and Brain Damage. Researchers have recently shown in a laboratory setting that human stem cells can mature into nerve cells. The implication of this for treating a variety of neurological problems is astounding.

Strokes. Researchers have shown that infusing human stem cells into rats improves brain function after a stroke or traumatic brain injury.

Multiple Sclerosis. Doctors have infused stem cells into patients with MS and have shown mild improvement in their disease.

Cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes) is the number one cause of death. If stem cell treatments become a viable and routine option for preventing and treating cardiovascular disease, then having banked stem cells will be an enormous advantage. If researchers continue to show stem cells' ability to regenerate damaged or diseased brain tissue, then the possibility for treating neurological conditions such as MS, Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's is exciting. Diabetes is another disease that is affecting more and more people. If stem cells could regenerate new pancreas tissue, millions of people could benefit. Who knows where we'll be with stem cell treatments in 10 or 20 years?

Cancer and other blood-related disorders. Besides these exciting possibilities, there are still the current uses for treating certain cancers and other blood problems. Recent research in the field of Oncology showed the chance that a person would need to use his or her own banked stem cells for current treatments by the time they are 21 is one in 2700, and the chance that a family member could use them is one in 1400. Stem cells can either be taken from the patient's or a matching family member's bone marrow, or from stored cord blood. Here are some benefits when cord blood is used instead of bone marrow:

Research has shown that survival rates double when a person's own cord blood or a family member's cord blood is used, compared to using an unrelated donor sample from a public stem cell bank.

Having your own private sample ensures immediate availability of a perfectly matched sample.

While bone marrow can also be a source of stem cells if needed, cord blood stem cells are easier to match for family members, thus increasing the chance that a family member can receive a related stem cell transplant.

Research has shown that patients who receive cord blood stem cell transplants have a smaller chance of rejecting the cells, compared to bone marrow stem cell transplants. For more experiences and to know the benefits of cord blood banking, research,for Choosing a cord blood bank,childhood illness,care about mothers and more on pregnancy and child birth, please visit this site :-

Read article about Menstrual blood, rich in stem cells, could save your life click this link

To read my other articles about stem cell and cord blood banking click below link :-

The Gift of life for your child and you.

Addresses Of Stem Cell/Cord Blood Banks In India

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